The SVI is an executive member of the RELIE-F federation
SVI Belgium has been member and administrator of the youth organizations federation Relie-F since 2013.
It’s a youth organization recognized by the French Community, since the 1st of July 2002, in the category of youth organization federation. (Decree of March the 26th 2009).
It’s a voluntary association composed of legal persons, contributing to the development by young of their civic responsibilities and personal aptitudes for the purpose of helping them being responsible, active, critic and interdependent citizens.
Today, Relie-F represents 18 youth associations with contrasted and highly diversified identities: some are of political convictions and others, dedicated to well-stated pluralism.
Objectives of our federation:
- Coordination and networking of members
- Intern and extern training (members, youngsters, professionals and volunteers)
- Member service
- Educational, methodological support and exchange of working practices
- Execution and management of projects
- Implementation of information tools and for reflection, pedagogical supports and appreciation of our members’ actions
- Sectoral representation
Moreover, Relie-F has 3 identity objectives:
- Being devoted to youth in general
- Driving projects according to pluralism: difference equal wealth which is good support for a well-build project
- Spending time to expand this pluralism cutting down distinctions made by public authorities about associative world.
Relie-F is member of:
FESOJ: Federation of Employers of the Youth Organizations Sector and Youth Centers
PFV: French-speaking voluntary platform
Relie-F is supporting:
Youth Council of Wallonia-Brussels/Conseil de la Jeunesse de la FWB :
Platforme Het Werkt-Ca marche :
Head offices :
Avenue Henri Jaspar, 127
1060 Bruxelles
Tel. : 02/513.54.94
Fax : 02/513.55.95
E-mail : [email protected]
Web :
Facebook : Relie-F asbl
2 minutes by foot from the metro station Porte de Hal
Chaussée de Louvain, 565 B
1380 Ohain
Tel. : 02/351.54.55