Preparation for GROUP PROJECTS

Travelling as a volunteer is also the opportunity to go with friends! You know what they say, the more the merrier!

groupe volontariat formationWHAT IS A GROUP PROJECT? For the SVI it’s  minimum 5 people  going on a volunteering project at the same time. You can go with your classmates whether you are in high school or in university! The group projects are also accessible to youth organisations, groups of friends or if you want to go as a family

HOW TO PREPARE FOR A VOLUNTEERING PROJECT? Like individual volunteering projects,  group projects require  good training. This training session is compulsory and is included in the subscription fees.


formation groupe jeunesOK BUT WHAT DOES THAT MEAN IN PRACTICE? Our training teachers will spend a whole day with you! In your house, in your school, in your classroom, in your room… A day during which we will discuss themes such as commitment, volunteerism, predeparture briefings, travel, culture shock, interculturality, … thanks to fun informal workshops. A day during which you will meet our local partner virtually and have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. It is also a day during which we try to meet each participant, to talk about our organisation, about community projects, about what come after the project…

We want to open up new horizons and give you the opportunity, after this group experience , to participate in all our training modules organised throughout the year, …

AND WHAT HAPPENS AFTER YOUR PROJECT? You can’t say no to our Return weekends! It is the opportunity to share your experience. A time to chill out, to meet other volunteers who have faced other realities and maybe to develop new ideas and embark on new adventures. 

The predeparture briefings currently take place online! For more information and to subscribe: [email protected]