About us

International Volunteer Service

The SVI expresses solidarity with Brussels after the attack

The SVI wishes to express its profound solidarity with all the victims and families affected by the terrorist attack in Brussels, our European capital. In these challenging times, as an international youth organization, we reaffirm the importance of living together beyond religious, philosophical, or political beliefs. The diversity that characterizes our country and its central role at the heart [...]


Et si on allait à Hòa Bình?

Le SVI propose un projet au Vietnam dans la ville de Hòa Bình situé à plus ou moins 100 km de la capitale Hanoi. Ce projet ouvre les portes sur l’aventure avec un grand A. En effet cette expérience t’emmènera dans une zone reculée dans la contrée vietnamienne. Hòa Bình est le chef-lieu de sa province qui se situe [...]


2023 Incoming volunteer projects in Belgium

Dear partner, we are happy to share with you our new volunteer projects for the year 2023. You will find short duration projects (2 weeks) and long term projects (from 3 months to 1 year). All our projects are strictly non-commercial and supported by non-lucrative local structures. You can send the applications for your volunteers to [email protected]. Please note, we do not [...]