
Nom de la monnaie locale : Algerian Dinar ( دج )
1 USD = 134,96 DZD
Date de mise à jour : 2024-06-18 08:00:02

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Jun 18, 2024 - Tue
Laghouat, DZ
scattered clouds
39°C scattered clouds
Wind 7 m/s, SSW
Humidity 12%
Pressure 760.56 mmHg
Day Cond. Temp. Wind Humidity PressurePres.
tue jun 18
light rain
39/31°C 16 m/s, SSW 12% 760.56 mmHg
wed jun 19
overcast clouds
39/35°C 11 m/s, S 9% 759.06 mmHg
thu jun 20
light rain
38/33°C 11 m/s, SSE 7% 758.31 mmHg
fri jun 21
sky is clear
36/34°C 8 m/s, ESE 12% 760.56 mmHg
sat jun 22
sky is clear
37/32°C 7 m/s, SE 11% 759.81 mmHg


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